feel f*cking magical


feel f*cking magical 〰️




The women’s group that Boulder’s spiritually

adventurous women have been praying for :

your intimate, 6 month

immersive transformation into

unshakeable Feminine Power.




Valkyries 5
One time
For 6 months

“Carl has the reason-to-live juice.”

— Elynn J. Valkyries 2 + 3

your life but make it f*cking awesome

Lemme guess…you’re a creator, an entrepreneur/CEO, a artist, a coach, a leader, a woman who holds the medicine of life force in her hands and manifests, heart first.

You’re a freaking visionary; you see beyond your current reality into the infinite possibilities of the future AND you have the gall to make it manifest.

You’ve always been a rule breaker, a rebel, a force of nature and you make art with everything you touch. You’ll climb trees and raft rivers any day.

You’re connected to the intangible and unseen realms of life. You receive guidance all the time, if you’d just slow down enough to hear it.

you’re not quite sure HOW to BECOME the next iteration of the WOMAN who has the LIFE YOU WANT.

HOT DAMN you ache for MORE.

You’ve been going too fast, prioritizing success over your nature, but missing your art and your heart.

When you’re really real with yourself, you’ve disconnected from what it tastes like to be in tune with yourself and to run the frequency of Source within you.

you’ve been thinking your way through embodiment. Looking for answers in in THIS modality, in THIS book or podcast, in THIS program or person and you JUST. KNOW. THERE’S GOTTA BE MORE.

and honestly, is it really too much to ask for a soul tribe of women who also want to do magic on the Earth?!

Valkyrie, Your Life SHOULD feel fucking magical.


Valkyrie, Your Life SHOULD feel fucking magical. 〰️

I get it.

Zoom sucks. You wanna do it FOR REAL.

body to body. Heart to actual heart. And f*ckkkk is it so much to ask for a group of women who also want to howl at moons and live in rhythm with the Earth and their own truths to call your home?

Your healing groups and moon circles and affirmations have been awesome, doing the but when you’re really honest with yourself, they’re only semi fulfilling.

You’re in a pivot. Life’s about to bigtime change but what that actually looks like is….:::crickets:::

I’ve been teaching Valkyries since I was worked by this work and it changed my life in 2020.

Valkyries has been changing women’s lives and businesses across the globe for four years…

And it’s time to bring it home.

and then it hit. the Universe called. I learned and EMBODIED EVERYTHING that is now the very bones and foundation of Valkyries.


This world turned down magic. Intuition. Traded in Mystery for Logic. For centuries we’ve ways buried the ways of the Feminine, Energetics, the Body, the ways of the Earth and the Stars.

We built empires of false power on top of the real, pulsing Power of the the Earth. of the Body. Of Nature. and the Power of the Village.

“Prove it, control it, force it, be this way, be that way, don’t do that, don’t say that, you gotta be polished and perfect, you gotta have your life in order and it should make sense and you should have a nice tight plan and if that plan fails, you should question your place in this world. You’re too loud, too quiet, too weird, too not enough, too fat, too ugly.





Valkyries is 6 months of embodied tools, experiences, uplevels, and rad playlists that WILL SLAP the way you’ve been dreaming of; more magic, more play, more intuition, more mystery, more sensuality, deeper connection with life.

I have helped 4 years and 4 rounds of Valkyries come back home to their bodies and step fully into their power, their magic and their gifts via:

  • Your Body

    Your body is the library where all of your memories, events, feelings, patterns and narratives LIVE.

    This is the reason the traditional therapy another healing modalities are good but not enough. And why KNOWING your pattern doesn’t change it.

    Healing through your body is WHY YOU’RE HERE.

    When we heal through the body, we heal for life.

  • Alchemy

    The caterpillar wraps up in her cocoon, her body turns to goo and all in perfect timing, her body reforms into the living state of a butterfly.

    This is the process that we apply to your believes, wounds, traumas, identities, patterns, etc.

    We run them through your body, we honor and process them (goo-body) and then in the space of the old caterpillar shape, we reform with the gold. Where there was fear, doubt limitation, there is now infinite possibility.

  • Sacred Community

    We were hurt in community; we heal in community.

    Most of us have learned to hide our vulnerable parts, especially in a group of womxn. When we transform together, we rewrite the womxn-wound narrative into a new one of safety, trust, connection and a powerful healing party.

    When the parts we think are too ugly and unlovable get brought to the light and learn they’re not only safe, but loved, we create the alchemical ground for internal change.



embody YOUR magic.

Valkyries 5
One time
For 6 months


We’ll also be traveling and adventuring around Colorado and working with the Earth! Expect adventure!

  • The Language of the Body. Transformation happens IN the body. As within, so without. Your body is the library that holds everything you need to heal yourself and reconnect to your intuition.

  • Sacred Energetics


    The Mystery. The Magic. Reception. Emotions. Expression. Gnosis. Guidance and Direction. The part that’s been repressed and shamed for centuries.

    She is the energy that SHOWS the life you want HOW TO MEET YOU.

  • slowing down to receive the nourishment of the moment, guidance from the other realms and our bodies, resting as a reclamation and magical practice.

  • The Feminine Spiral, expansion and contraction, normalizing the Down and the Up.

    Synching you life to your own rhythms, your bleed and/or the moon/sun for maximum feminine aliveness.

  • the tools we never learned about how to move and process emotions and energies through our bodies and harness them into badass power.

    SACRED RAGE. Let. That ISH GO.



  • wowza.

    the bullshit we learned about other women in community and rerouting the narratives we picked up from our mom figures that aren’t true for our souls.

  • We fear the dark. The primal and the empty. But the deep feminine KNOWS that this is the fertile ground.

  • embracing the taboo in our unconscious desires so that we can actually have what we say we want.

  • The initiation your inner masculine never got. Where he learns to be the King your Feminine needs, not the controlling, untrusting little boy he’s been. THIS is where you actually EMBODY aligned action.

  • Healing the wounds we learned from society at large, our father figures, the patriarchy and fear.

  • It’s through your body, connected with your soul’s why and attuned to the frequency of your destined future.

  • Who the FUCK you came here to be.

  • magical rituals, opening your channel, spiritual gifts and embodiments, breathwork and my signature fingerpaint workshop where we integrate your inner perfectionist, to infinity and beyond…

what’s inside


  • 3 Thursdays every month around 10-12 MST. We take one full week off monthly.

    We’ll meet at my house in Southeast Boulder, at The Starhouse and on the land (locations TBD).

    2 overnight weekend quests to Crestone, CO and Moab, UT.

    an invitation to Carly’s annual Valkyries Retreat. Aug 1-4, 2024 (not included in cost.)

    Feminine modules (see our Flight Plan), quantum leaps, rituals, embodiment attunements, shamanic journeys, material that alchemizes your body’s memory into the frequency of your truest self.

  • game. changer.

    1-1s with me are like a psychedelic/somatic transformation of your inner parts, narratives, beliefs and blocks. Integrative, loving and thorough.

    These will be held within our collective group; we’ll be held and seen by the other 5 women in Valkyries.

  • meditations, breathwork, embodiments, practices and playlists that actually change your inner experience. Out with the old blah blah mediations, in with the jams that actually hit.

  • our sweet, magical and creative sovereign village of Valkyries. Our aerie for homework, wins and resistances, sacred witness and connection.

  • August 1-4, 2024. Lyons, CO. Valkyries annual retreat: ALL VALKYRIES 1-5 are invited. RETREAT NOT INCLUDED IN VALKYRIES 5 INVESTMENT

  • FREE access to my monthly public Holotropic Breathwork at the StarHouse. Epic for nervous system regulation, processing and releasing stagnant energy and clearing your body.

  • designed by local tattoo artist: Kimme Smallz

Valkyries 5




Valkyries 5
One time
For 6 months

VALKYRIES IS IN PERSON AND NON-REFUNDABLE PROGRAM. PLAY ALL IN. June 27- Dec 19th 2024. In-person (BOULDER, CO) group sessions 3x/mo for 6 months. Online library of resources: meditation, breathwork and embodiment audio tracks. Participants have access to a group Whatsapp container. Valkyries 5 includes 3 guests, 2 weekend desert adventures and monthly (public) Holotropic Breathwork at The Starhouse

✓ 19x live group sessions (1.5- 2 hrs)
✓ Unlimited lifetime access to resources
✓ WhatsApp group for witness, homeworks and community
✓ 3x guest facilitators and 2 weekend quests
✓ lifelong sacred sisterhood

Valkyries 5

& Valkyries Retreat


Valkyries 5 & Valkyries Retreat 〰️

Valkyries Retreat is for Valkyries alumni: You are invited to come together to celebrate our journeys, fall deeper in love and trust with each other and continue expanding towards our radest lives.

every summer.

LYONS, CO. AUGUST 1-4 2024

3 day program, food, lodging are included in investment. Transportation to and from the airport as well as lodging on either side are familial. You’ll be entered into our retreat WhatsApp group upon purchase where you can orchestrate details together.

Valkyries is a family: local gals please help with transport and housing on either side of retreat.


Valkyries 5 AND Valkyries Retreat
One time
For 8 months

Valkyries 4 (January 11- July 2024) AND Valkyries Retreat (August 1-3, 2024). Valkyries 4: 6 month program, 3 zoom calls/month, whatsapp support, full library and resources. Valk retreat: includes 3 day Valkyries retreat program, lodging, food, travel if necessary.

✓ Valkyries 5 program
✓ Valkyries in-person retreat AUG 1-4

"My favorite moment of Valkyries was seeing everyone in person and then I couldn’t fully take in how much beauty and trust and love is given from an embodied Valkyrian three-quarter profile and a tight squeeze of I know youuu!."

- Kerryn Lyes, Valkyries 1 + 2

What VALKYRIES Are Saying

“"Having Valkyries in my corner as I became more me in all the ways and places, got out of a whole tangle of mind loops and making feelings mean things, and opened to a depth and lightness of life and friendship that’s like having god and all his crows in your corner was INSTRUMENTAL.”

-Kerryn L. Valkyries 1+ 2

“i can stay in my body while i advocate for my needs and my truth, even in difficult situations. i can come up against hard things and surrender to them and the course they take me down. knowing i have a sovereign village behind me and stacked box of "tools" to aid me in finding my way back to center, regulation, my heart space. the truth of who i am and THAT makes me feel like ill be GOLDEN no matter what comes my way..

— Piper R. Valkyries 3

“Valkyries healed my sister wound. During the program, I healed a lifetime of stories I was carrying about women being untrustworthy & toxic. I was able to access parts of myself I had buried throughout decades of betrayal. I learned how to trust women again. I learned about how valuable it is to be seen and held by a group of sisters. And I learned that the most fertile space in which we heal our wounds is in the loving arms of conscious women.”

— Valkyries 1

“You are so very special. Thank you for all of this and for illuminating my shamanic gifts and truly seeing me. I love you so fucking much.


— Valkyries 1

“Today, I welcome chaos & crumbs. Bring me the goddamn crumbs & spill the rice too! Let's put our feet in it. And squish it between our toes. And shimmy to the sink. Loose shoulders & hips baby..”

— Valkyries 2

“Carl has the reason-to-live juice.”

— Elynn Valkyries 2+ 3

“I’m at peace with the nature of my being and I have closer friendships and generally way more fun. I’m lots less shamey about emotional highs/lows.

I just have this unexplainable centred-ness and all the same life stuff happens some ways, but I can just roll with it like body got me, I got body. I no longer hide my tears, I let it flow and that makes me feel like a creative genius living my mythic life.”

— Valkyries 1 + 2

“I had gone through this journey with healing back pain through mind/body connection which opened me to different ways of integrating. I had also had therapy which again, was a helpful step on my way but it didn’t feel supportive of the fullness of my-ness or include the aspect of relating, supporting and being supported in the way Valkyries does. There’s only so far one can go alone and community just facilitates more love.”

-Valkyries 2

“For real tho. I wouldn’t be the woman I am today without letting myself be loved by the Valkyries. Totally reframed my history of— girls are backstabbing catty bitches and I’d rather be alone than experience that level of betrayal again. I was like WOW I can be messy and cry and unmask and be autistic AF and these sisters actually love me anyway.”

-Panther Valkyries 1

“Having Valkyries in my corner as I danced through chaos & overwhelm, dropped back down into my body as I started to understand its limits, learned that rage is sacred & normal and underwent a pivotal health diagnosis was instrumental.”

-E. J. Valkyries 2+3

“I would recommend Valkyries and working with Carly to any real smart real sensitive weirdos who want to get on with living magically -

I’ll say it again, your people get you.

Because It helps. It really helps. It’s almost too effective, I went through the Valkyries portal twice and I genuinely just feel like I’ve got this life thing, my purpose, incarnating, actualising, whatever like yes I can do it even when living in a body feels weird af. I’m here for it. And you get to bring the whole of you.”

— V. Valkyries 1 and 2

need more Valk support before you leap?


we’ll navigate your desires and see if Valkyries is a great fit for you.